All Inclusive Guide to Search Engine Optimization – (SEO)

guide to SEO
SEO guide

You must have heard alot about SEO in this ever growing digital world. Also, as a person looking for a career in business or only in digital marketing, you must be highly concerned about how Search Engines see your online presence.

No more worries!

This ultimate guide will lead you to the perfection in Search Engine Optimization, only if you are willing to learn, test and execute all the knowledge you will get here.

Before getting into step by step protocol, let’s first know what SEO is.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization, generally known as SEO is the process of developing your website in a way so as to increase its visibility in search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and all others. 

Once you get better visibility in search engines it is no longer difficult to amass attention and attraction to your existing as well as new customers.

Importance of SEO

SEO is an elemental part of Digital marketing. Google processes approximately 40,000 queries every second. Therefore, it is noticeable that today the primary source of traffic for businesses is Search, which also complements with other marketing channels.

Thus, the more and better a business is visible in search engines, the more it is to drive traffic. Ultimately, this will lead your business to have an edge over your competitors.

Moreover, nowadays, users trust search engines more than anything else. 

If a search engine has confidence in you, so do the users.

Once and for all, SEO is the groundwork for all other digital marketing strategies. Once you know what your users seek, you can design your organic/paid campaigns across your website and your social media platforms.

Step-by-step Guide

In this World, where everyone seeks perfection, there is not a single phenomenon that can take place without an order. 

You do not run after a luxurious car if you don’t have food for dinner at home. Similarly, you can not focus directly on search ranking if you lack good quality content.

Below is all of your needs for SEO.

inforgraphic to SEO guide
  1. Crawl accessibility
  2. Fascinating Content
  3. Keyword optimization
  4. Great user experience
  5. Share worthy content
  6. Title, URL and description
  7. Link Building
  8. Schema markups

Following is a chapter-wise detailed guide to SEO, that includes all that you require to know.

Chapter 1: SEO 101

Chapter 2: Types of Search Engines

Chapter 3: How search engines work – crawling, indexing and ranking

Chapter 4: Content and keyword research

Chapter 5: Link building and authority establishment

Do you really need this guide?

If you really wish to improve search traffic and you are completely unfamiliar with what SEO is, it can prove a bonus for you. It is made as easy and to the point for you to understand best. 

Excited to start? Begin with SEO 101 right away!

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